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Nov. 3rd School Board Meeting Major Agenda Items

2022-2023 Calendar Finalization!

This is one of my favorite parts of the School Board! The schedule is important to students when they need to take a break from academic work and focus on their mental health. The calendar also helps teachers know when they will have a work day and when they will need to have professional learning

Course Additions and Removals.

Creating tougher courses will help students who want a challenge. However, some courses are lacking engagement and need to be removed to help the overall budget.

-Social Studies Honors was added for 8th grade

-Pre-Athletics was added for 6th grade

-English Language Arts & Reading Honors was added for 6th grade

-IB Coordinator (and my GSA sponsor) Karen Stanton helped to add an IB Psychology Course

-AP Environmental Science was added for 10th grade level for equity purposes

-Costume Construction (Theatre course) added to High School levels

-Dual Credit Speech allowed for all 10-12 graders

-German I, II, III Honors, V, AP will be removed from the course catalog

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