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Dec. 07th School Board Meeting Major Agenda Items

Board approves to spend $190 Million for Attendance credits

This is known as excess local revenue. A.K.A Robin Hood, A.K.A Recapture. The State of Texas determined that local school boards needed to provide a certain portion of money towards the general fund for the entire state of Texas.
I'm glad that the school board spoke up about this, but at the end of the day complaining about this so that taxpayers know how you feel won't stop this outdated process. No one wants money taken away from teachers' salaries and it's time that local school board members gather together and oppose this process so that taxpayers aren't forced to pay for school districts that aren't managing their budgets well instead of complaining. We need stronger leadership to oppose this process and to bring the taxpayer's money back to much needed programs in Plano ISD.

Budget Amendments

I reached out to the new Chief Financial Officer asking about why the amendment to the budget were made and he gave me a complete, concise summary of why they were adjusted to the amount needed.

Facilities Assessment Process

Plano ISD decided to run a facility assessment to see what their condition was. This was a smart idea to help prevent further weathering, damage, and misuse. This includes the optics of the building and the internal aspects like plumbing, electrical work, etc.

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